B e n e f i t s, Including:
•Feel unity of body, heart and mind
•Drop into your own creative flow
• Free up spontaneity, presence, and authentic expression
• Develop confidence in front of an audience group
• Experience deep fun and connection with a group others
Move through your life issues in effective, creative ways
• Befriend Your Muse
• Co-Create Innovative Movement Theater Art

Warmups to activate bodies, voices and creative minds

Exercises to develop sensitivity and trust

Skill building for creative movement and theater

Approaches for integrating voice, movement, characters & narrative

Giving and receiving constructive feedback

Body-based processes for self exploration and personal transformation

Sharing, daring, learning, feeling, laughing, reflecting...

Some of RealPlay classes promote healing and growth through movement exploration and authentic expression, (RealPlay Transformative Expression) while others cultivate empowering creative expression, enhanced performance skills and integrated movement/theater performance.  (RealPlayMovingTheater.) All groups have some element of these intentions but may have an emphasis on one or the other.
RealPlay MovingTheater
This fun and inventive form of improvisation wakes up your body, fosters a group feeling, and brings out the unique gifts of each person. Improvisations blend movement, sound, characters and verbal play. MovingTheater is surreal or dreamlike, unlike literal scenes or theater games. Stories may be fictional or autobiographical, and range from being touching, hilarious, intense, odd, beautiful...We study the art of expression, develop embodied powerful, fantastical characters and scenes, and tapestries of story.   Your own life stories, tall tales and fantasies are all also fodder as we co-create this innovative movement theater.

In RealPlay Transformative Expression You will move your body, free your voice, expand  creativity and playfulness, and interact with others in meaningful and fun ways.  A supportive atmosphere is cultivated for authentic and personal creative expression, and for liberating the gift in each part of you, even parts you may not have previously known or embraced.  You will receive guidance from Julie and support, appreciation and reflection from others who witness your process.
Exercises help you transform your emotions and life stories with movement, sound, and verbal expression.  Improv structures and exercises stimulate spontaneity and group connection. This is an opportunity to explore new and/or unclaimed parts of yourself, and to move your life stories and issues in creative ways. 
Sacred, Healing, Creative, Therapeutic- Deep Fun!

People of all ages, shape s, colors, abilities, orientations, quantum states and genderalities are welcome!

Action Theater ( Ruth Zaporah)
Motion Theater (Nina Wise & Corey Fischer)
Mind in Motion (Nita Little)
Full Spectrum Theater (Joya Cory)
Authentic Movement (Mary Whitehouse, Jane Adler)
Contact improvisation (Steve Paxton and others)
Plan B Improvise performing group
Continuum (Emily Conrad and Susan Harper)
Speaking Circles (Lee Glickstein)

Julie is deeply thankful to these teachers and innovators
