

Julie creates a space for you to be yourself… and to be all of the lurking outrageous brilliant aspects of yourself. Is it Improv Theater? Therapy? Childs play? It can be many things, but after a class you know you’ve related to other humans and to yourself like you’ve never done before.
Ed Fieberg Photographer

I have been taking RealPlay classes with Julie Oak for more than five years. She is an amazing teacher who lives her art: she listens, inspires, encourages, and challenges. She pays close attention to both the individual student and the group, always ready to drop her plans to address new needs, even as she comes to class with a clear sense of purpose for building exercises into a richly textured journey. RealPlay has been a means of deep personal growth as well as a way to tap into my artistic being, helping me as both a writer and teacher. Her form of improvisational art inspires me like no other. Take her classes and you will be transformed!
Kirk Glaser, Ph.D. Poet, Fiction Writer, Professor of English

RealPlay rocks. Space is created to meet oneself all of our many selves, expressing and utilizing them creatively. I appreciate the richness and continual surprise and delight in following my own muse. This is a perfect environment for me to meet my stuff and move it through play and expression. We connect in a context of really seeing and meeting one another. I love being in a space that feels safe and free to meet my edges, presence my shadows, unleash my full self, and let my soul play! I appreciate Julie’s spontaneity and deep awareness to what is present and alive. She is a facilitator in the highest regard.
Mandy Greenlee, age 30 Dancer, Performer, Bodyworker, Lover of Authenticity

I always leave Julie’s workshops and classes feeling lighter, less burdened, and in touch with the magic in the world and myself.
Craig Lane, Age 43 Clinical Health, Founder of Shivawarrior.com

I studied and practiced psychotherapy for 30 years. Julie’s work is amongst the most therapeutic I have ever experienced, bypassing the problems of unequal power, dependency, and the focus on negativity that complicates “therapy”. RealPlay has made me more self-confident, expressive, joyful and alive- all happening while I was also having fun!
Mariquita West M.D.

After my weekend with Julie, I feel connected to my super playful embodied self! RealPlay exercises greatly support me to let go of my mental world of thoughts, and to fully step into “the Julie Zone”, a fantastical dreamlike world of embodied characters, present based tapestries of compelling relational dynamics and stream of consciousness deep truths, flowing effortlessly from the well of creativity itself.
Thank you, Julie for masterfully facilitating my entry into this beautiful world. I’m leaving this retreat feeling full and satisfied, invigorated, relaxed and ready to face the world with more spaciousness, creativity and humor.

Todd Phillips Theater Improvisation performer with Umm Gee Umm, Life and Business Coach (whoselifeisitanyway.com)

I consider RealPlay as therapy. Three years ago I met Julie. Something that I got right away was a sense for love passion, laughing and exploration. RealPlay touches my life in 180°! Now I am feeling more confident, expressive and light. In some aspects of my life, like in my work, I definitely am more connected with my boss and my co-workers. RealPlay helps me to have space for all situations in my work, and to discover the creativity that I have in my life.
Javier Zaragoza, age 34 Electrician

Beyond the sheer joy of movement and the contact with the other women, Sourcing brought back to me a harmony of body and Self that I probably haven't experienced since I was five years old! I am more open, more receptive to others and the world, more free in movement than before my Sourcing experience. Julie is a compassionate leader full of creative exploration and --- FUN!
Maia Whitemare, Interfaith Minister
